Home > What We Do > Magnetic Field Cancellation Systems
Spicer Consulting is the first and leading supplier of magnetic field cancelling systems.
Electron microscopes operate in ambient magnetic fields that include earth’s magnetic field and fields radiated by electric power, networks and electrical machines.
When the ambient field changes, the electron beam in the microscope is deflected, causing a loss of resolution and image distortion.
Spicer Consulting systems can stabilise the ambient magnetic field to restore the resolution and accuracy of an electron beam system.
The magnetic field is stabilised by dynamically creating nearly equal and opposite field changes.

Today’s high performance electron beam tools are very sensitive to changing ambient magnetic fields. The fields move the beam causing loss of resolution and measurement accuracy.
The SC22 system reduces the ambient AC field and restores the resolution and accuracy.

Electron microscopes have to operate in an ambient magnetic field comprising the earth’s field and fields radiated by electric power networks and electrical machines. When the ambient field changes, the electron beam in the microscope is deflected, causing loss of resolution and image distortion.
The SC24 system stabilises the field by dynamically creating nearly equal and opposite field changes, so that the microscope performance is much improved.

The SC11/Compact is Spicer's popular site survey equipment. It features data acquisition and pre-processing by an embedded microcomputer in the magnetic field sensor, for enhanced performance.
The separate data acquisition card (DaqCard) used by Spicer's earlier systems is not required.
The data interface to the computer is through an industry standard USB connection, which enables the system to be used with most modern laptops running Microsoft Windows.

The SC11/SI is the latest version of our comprehensive site survey equipment. It features data acquisition and pre-processing by an embedded microcomputer in the Sensor Interface for enhanced performance.
The separate data acquisition card (DaqCard) used by Spicer's earlier systems is not required.
The data interface to the computer is through an industry standard USB connection, which enables the system to be used with most modern laptops running Microsoft Windows.

The SC11/Auto is a fully populated configuration of the SC11/SI system.
With 2 DC magnetic field sensors, 3 accelerometers and a precision microphone, it provides all the sensors needed for a full automated site survey for an SEM or TEM.
All the sensors connect to an SC11 Sensor Interface, which is AC powered and connects to a Windows laptop PC via USB.
The whole system including a tripod and laptop fits into a rugged custom carrying case for ease of portability.

Spicer Consulting Limited are pleased to introduce the new SC28 monitoring system.
The SC28 enables long-term, uninterrupted monitoring of magnetic fields, vibrations and acoustics – as well as temperature and humidity – within the lab and semiconductor fab.
This system is purposed-designed to monitor the environment for electron beam instruments, including Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEM), Electron Beam Lithography tools and SEM-based metrology and inspection tools.

The SC22 system comprises a Magnetic Field Control Unit, an AC Magnetic Field Sensor and three orthogonal multicore cables, which are installed in the room where the field is to be cancelled.
The SC22 can drive single loop and double loop room size cables. It also works with Helmholtz cables that are attached to a frame around the column.
Each power amplifier in the control unit drives a current through its cable to create a field of the opposite sign to the change in ambient field.
The magnetic field sensor measures the resulting field and real time negative feedback reduces the ambient field by the loop gain of the system.
The system is dynamic, automatically responding to field changes within 100 µs. AC Line fields (50/60 Hz) are reduced by 50 x.
The SC22 does not cancel DC field changes from sources such as elevators, trains and traffic.
The larger SC24 system is available to cancel both AC and DC fields.

SC22 Features
Protects your investment in electron beam technology by stabilising the magnetic field environment
Cancels and monitors the AC field
Low cost, high performance system
Intelligent user interface
Automated set up
Cancels AC fields from 10 Hz to 5 kHz
50 x field improvement at 60Hz
Full 3 axis (X, Y, Z) system
Up to 60 mG (6.0 µT) pk-pk range
Adapts to field changes within 100 µs
Supports dual sensors for TEMs and high gradient fields
USB monitoring port

The SC24 system comprises a magnetic field control unit, one or two magnetic field sensors and three orthogonal axis multicore cables, that are installed in the room where the field is to be cancelled.
The SC24 can drive single loop and double loop room size cables. It also works with Helmholtz cables that are attached to a frame around the column.
Three power amplifiers in the control unit drive currents through the cables to create a field of the opposite sign to the change in ambient field.
The magnetic field sensor measures the resulting field and real time negative feedback reduces the ambient field by the loop gain of the system.
The system is dynamic, automatically responding to field changes within 100 µs.

SC24 Features
Makes the ambient magnetic field “OK” for the electron microscope
Adapts to field changes within 100 µs
Touch screen intelligent user interface with automatic setup and DC reset
Simultaneous AC & DC field display with choice of Tesla or Gauss unit
Mixes dual sensors to create virtual sensor “inside” the EM column
Use AC sensors for cancelling 50/ 60 Hz AC line fields or:
Use DC sensors for cancelling tram and train DC fields and 50/60Hz
Built-in test field generator
Ethernet and USB ports for remote operation and monitoring
The Compact system includes a three axis AC magnetic field sensor, an accelerometer and a sound level meter. An optional flux gate magnetometer can be added to measure DC magnetic fields.
The software suite consists of three virtual instruments, an oscilloscope, a spectrum analyser and a chart recorder plus a comprehensive results plotting program “SCplot”. During measurements, all results are displayed graphically on the laptop screen.
The system is powered from the laptop except for the sound level meter and magnetometer which have their own batteries. It is supplied in a rugged custom carrying case.

The system is designed to be flexible and adaptable to suit customer requirements.
A typical system includes the Sensor Interface, a DC-10 kHz three axis magnetic field sensor, an accelerometer and a precision microphone all supplied in a rugged custom carrying case.
The software suite includes three virtual instruments, an oscilloscope, a spectrum analyser and a chart recorder that display results graphically on the laptop screen.
Also included are “SCplot”, a comprehensive results plotting program, “SC11 Wizard”, which aids in setting up a single measurement, and “SC11 Survey”, which automates a complete survey.

The SC11/Auto is a fully populated configuration of the SC11/SI system. With 2 DC magnetic field sensors, 3 accelerometers and a precision microphone, it provides all the sensors needed for a full automated site survey for an SEM or TEM.
All the sensors connect to an SC11 Sensor Interface, which is AC powered and connects to a Windows laptop PC via USB.
The whole system including a tripod and laptop fits into a rugged custom carrying case for ease of portability.
The software suite includes “SC11 Survey”, which automates a complete survey and “SC11 Wizard”, which aids in setting up a single measurement.
These call up three virtual instruments, an oscilloscope, a spectrum analyser and a chart recorder that display results graphically on the laptop screen. Also included is “SCplot”, a comprehensive results plotting program.
The SC28 monitoring system is purposed-designed to monitor the environment for electron beam instruments, including
Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEM), Electron Beam Lithography tools
and SEM-based metrology and inspection tools.
It can log the spectrum and charts of ambient magnetic fields, vibrations, acoustic levels, temperature and relative humidity.
It measures the magnetic fields, vibrations and acoustic levels at a
sample frequency of 2 kHz and temperature/humidity at 1Hz. Measurements are taken continuously, with no gaps, so that
no event is missed.
The SC28 software runs on a Windows PC that is connected to the same Local Area Network as the SC28/SI.
It automatically detects the SC28/SI hardware without needing to know its IP address in advance. The SCplot program is
included with the SC28 software and allows you to view and print results as well as save graphs for use in reports.